RMS New design changes

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The new RMS design has brought multiple changes to how the platform looks and can be used.

This article will go through the biggest visual and functional changes made in this update.


This update includes changes to the general structure of RMS features and functions:




  • Overview page has been removed.


  • Side Filters menu has been removed and combined with the search field.
  • Side Table presets has been made into a separate window Page settings where you can change the Table column order, manage your Table presets and change your Chart settings. Page settings can be found to the right of the search field.
  • Search field has been expanded and made as a centralized place to search or filter elements in each different page.
  • Device map has been moved to a smaller button on the right of the search field.
  • Multiple RMS functions which can be done without selecting devices have been moved to the + ADD button at the top of the page:
    • Set locations from files
    • Change names from file
    • Assign tags from file
    • Set passwords from file
    • View pending updates
  • The rest of the functions now appear to the left of the search field when you select a device.
  • The Services → Management page has been removed. In its place, the Devices page can now be used to manage RMS service – By selecting a device you can then press Device → Manage Services or Device → Set pack, you can assign credits or packs to your selected device(s).
  • Task manager has been moved to a separate page. The Devices page can still be used to execute Task manager tasks (by selecting any number of devices and pressing Management → Execute task
  • (NEW) The Devices page has a new feature → Device configuration, which can be found by selecting any number of devices with the same firmware version and pressing Configuration → Device configuration.
    • Note: This feature is currently in BETA. Device configuration can only be used with devices with device firmware version 07.03 and up.

Wifi & Hotspots

  • The Wi-fi and Hotspots pages have been combined into a single page, in which the Wi-fi and Hotspots have been separated into two tabs.

RMS Connect

  • Remote Telnet, Remote SSH, Remote Desktop, Remote HTTP(S), Remote SFTP pages have been combined into a single Remote Access page, which contains all RMS Connect configurations currently set up.
  • Access history – a new page in which you can see all of your RMS Connect Access logs (was previously in Services → Connect/VPN → View history)


Multiple side menu pages have been changed and shuffled around to create the Administration section. Changes made to the pages in this section:

  • Companies – This page is where your RMS companies are listed. Improved from the previous version, it now contains the Company details page. It serves as a centralized place where information is listed about the individual company. Different tabs show different information about the company in question.
  • Users - The Roles & Permissions page has been moved to the Users page under a new tab.
  • Tags - (NEW) A centralized Tags page where you can manage all of your Tags. Previously tags were managed in the Devices page. Though, Managing tags on devices is still under Devices section in the Management submenu.
  • Files - The Files page has been moved from the Management section to the Administration section.

Credits and credit codes

  • Company credit codes can now be created in the Administration → Companies tab, in the + ADD dropdown menu or in Company details, in the + ACTIVATE menu.
  • Created codes are all listed in the Company details page→ Codes tab. This menu can also be used to activate codes, along with the settings menu in the top right of the screen → Activate code.